Friday, August 07, 2009

Three Major Shops to go in Ramsgate?

I heard that both Dorothy Perkins and Burtons part of the Arcadia group are to leave Ramsgate after this month, with staff being relocated to the new BHS store @ Westwood Cross.

Also understand that River Island will also disappear soon when the lease runs out on their store in Ramsgate. I hope this doesn’t lead to a Margate type decline and I’m sure it wont as Ramsgate has more to offer in terms of convenient parking, the Harbour and places to eat.


  1. The thing is there all eclipsed by pete fish factory, probably the best chip shop in the south east.

  2. what about bebeached,harbour bar cafe,cafe g,georgios,indian princess ,no 6 bistro,rosaria ,smoothie bar,kellies to name a few...

  3. No problem for Ramsgate with all those day trippers from Boulogne expected from the 1st of september.
    Somebody is bound to set up shops with a French flavour - onions, fries, bagettes etc!

  4. Don't worry,I already have my black beret,black and white hooped t-shirt and a string of onions prepared for the opening day of my new cheese shop.

  5. Shame TDC does not seem to understand that the extortinate parking charges are the final death of our town centres. They had a good oppertunity to regnerate Margate with the new opening of Morrison, but people have to pay a fee to park in College Square. Only the 1st hour is refunded by spending 5 pounds in store. So people visit and do not spend more than one hour in the town, including their shopping at Morrisons. People could have been allowed more time to shop in Margate ie visit Primark etc, Tdc need to change their attitude towards parking in our towns. This applies to freebie council worker permits. The coucil promotes fairtrade, time it showed it was more serious about green issues. Westwood offers free parking, our town centres just have a draonian system of permits, high charges, and chasing parking attendents. Something needs to change very quickly or we will see our towns die.

  6. It's kinda sad... I first came to Ramsgate with a language school in 1999, and then kept coming back twice a year, went to Chatham House for some time ... I want Ramsgate to remain the quaint little town it was back then, but things have changed a lot.
